Coronaversoepelingen en andere kunstzinnige carnavalsuitingen

cardboard, printingpaper, wallpaperglue, newspaper, gouache, epoxy, ducttape, 2022




Carnaval or Carnival as it’s called worldwide is a pre-lent festival that is celebrated in about 50 countries worldwide. Loathed by some and loved by manym in the Netherlands it is part of culture in the south of the country, mainly the regions of Noord-Brabant (where I live) and Limburg. Interestingly, It’s frowned upon by many living outside these regions. After two years of cancelling due to Covid-19 it was suddenly possible to celebrate again in februari.

Where I live it’s tradition to dress-up and take on a role-playing game. Ideally you comment on local politics or current / recent events & affairs. Naturally one has to think of some chat-up lines that are useable in case one might need them.

I was dressed up as a corona-easing-arrangement, which sounds like something you could eat for diner while drinking a beer. Hence the soupcan and bottle of broth (“Maggi” it’s called, but the bottle is secretly filled with Jagermeister). My lines would be something like “Haven’t you longed for me for all this time?” or “Would you like some broth” (“Maggi er bij?”). Ah well, hard to explain...

Marjan and I applied for a residency at London’s Vincent van Gogh-house as an artist-duo but got rejected so we partied as Frida & Vincent for a day instead.


Above: “Coronaversoepeling”. Beneath: “Frida & Vincenr”